Thinking about adding a pet – possibly an Affenpinscher to your family? Should you adopt a rescue?
Here are “Five Good Reasons to Get A Rescue Dog”, from LOST DOGS AND LONELY HEARTS BY Lucy Dillon, copyright (c) 2009 by Lucy Dillon. Used by permission of The Berkley Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Group (USA) LLC.
They’re house-trained: Puppies are adorable but housebreaking them is torture for you and your carpets. Older dogs, on the other hand, are usually clean in the house, and barring a few accidents while they settle in, should take little or no reminding where the facilities are.
What you see is what you get: Cute puppies turn into unexpectedly huge and demanding dogs within a matter of months—which often leads to them being dumped at the rescue center. Adopting a fully-grown adult means you can plan for exercise needs, feeding needs, and how he’ll fit into your family life.
Not all rescue dogs are “rejects”: Marriages break down, owners die, circumstances change, and model pets can find themselves looking for new people through no fault of their own. Dogs that are turned in for being “too boisterous” or ”rough” are often just in the wrong home; with the right amount exercise and mental stimulation, they can be transformed into happy companion.
You’re getting a support network: Rescue shelters don’t want to rehome a dog twice! Not only will they guide you through choosing the right dog for you, they’ll be on hand to offer advice and support afterward—and with the experience of dealing with so many dogs, there won’t be many questions they can’t answer.
Not all rescue dogs are Heinz 57: If you’ve got your heart set on a particular kind of dog, it’s simple to track one down, either by searching internet rescue sites, or by contacting the national breed rescue. Responsible breeder will always take back puppies if the owners can no longer look after them, and will make sure they’re going to a good new home, second time round!